Sumac Over the Pond

Sumac Over the Pond

October 18, 2015


It's just a beautiful fall afternoon to rest out on the back twenty.  Light breezes are blowing and the sun will set in a short while.  I'm quietly sitting, observing, and listening.

Nothing special is happening... but now I hear the crackling of the leaves and a doe walking near me.  I try to get a photo and she bolts with her white tail high in the air and runs back from the way she came.  A young deer is with her but stays.  It walks in a nearly complete circle around me, just curious, and then slowly fades away into the woods behind me.  I take a few quick shots of the young deer with my camera.

Perhaps this is three legged deer's spring fawn.

This sun is setting now and the forest is quiet.  The curled up, dried ferns scattered all around me, even though no longer green and alive, are still pretty.  Last night was the coldest night so far this fall with temperatures in the low 20's.

The smell of the leaves and pine needles at my feet help make the atmosphere in my woods just right.
I can still hear deer walking slowly in the distance and squirrels scampering about.  The dry and crisp freshly fallen leaves make it hard for them to move about without making sounds.

Today is one of those "gift days" of autumn.  Grandpa said days such as this one are are "gifts" because they allow one to get all the necessary things done before winter comes.  I'd like to sit out here until it's pitch dark and I can hardly find my way back to the cabin.  Today would be a grand day to stop the clock, so it would never end.

In the distance, sandhill cranes are calling to one another.  They are gathering together and getting ready to fly south soon.  It's a gift day for them too.

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