Sumac Over the Pond

Sumac Over the Pond

June 12, 2016


This Sunday morning, cool, cloudy, and compatible with my way of thinking, I put on my La Crosse knee boots and trekked across Tom's Creek to a little high spot in the shady woods to journal.  In this spot I chose to ponder, I'm surrounded by a few large white oak trees and many white pines that are about 8' tall, too close together for good growth, but great cover for the whitetail deer.

On my walk here I spotted remnants on the trail of a robin's egg.  One piece of the beautiful blue eggshell, in particular, was being admired by an ant.  I think the ant wanted in the worst way to carry the treasure home with him.  High up in a tree nearby, a robin, worm hanging from it's beak, kept tweeting at me as if to say, "Don't come any closer.  I've got a nest nearby." 

Continuing on my short walk, a chipmunk popped his head up to stare at me beneath a pine tree and then quickly dashed away. 

As I waded across the now shallow creek I spotted fresh wolf tracks in the sand and snapped a picture.  This wolf was probably chasing fawns.  Now that the fawns are a few weeks old they can run quite fast; maybe they will be safe from the wolf.

Two geese have claimed residency around our pond now, after the loss of the gander who was nesting on eggs here several weeks ago.  At first this couple had four goslings but now they are down to two.  Snapping turtles could be the culprit in their case.

Opportunity, that's just it.  They're all looking for an opportunity; the ant, the robin, the chipmunk, the turtle, the wolf, and every living creature, actually.

I'm thankful that I've had another opportunity to write in my journal today and to admire the blue color of the robin's egg and all of nature that surrounds me.  There is nothing quite like it really, that beautiful blue color.  Don't take it all for granted!


  1. You are right Kay, we need to take every opportunity to notice what surrounds us and what makes us happy! Nature can give us so much, if we only notice. Thank you again, for showing me the beauty that a short walk can produce! r

  2. finally read your post , thanks for making us think about what is important in life and to always be thankful for the beauty nature gives us. your sis
