Sumac Over the Pond

Sumac Over the Pond

May 14, 2016


Apple Blossoms in front of the Moon
This evening I'm sitting with my journal on the bistro bench by the pond wondering if we'll have a killing frost tonight in central Wisconsin.  I'm thinking about our apple blossoms, tender young oak leaves, and wild blueberry blossoms that I passed by on my walk here, and how vulnerable they all are tonight.

  As the sun sets after hiding all day long, a little blush of pink appears in the western sky.  The red winged blackbirds are still singing in the tree tops, both adults with their pretty trilly songs and young ones with their simple peeps.  The frogs are silent tonight, too cold to make a sound except for a few hearty souls in the sheltered marsh far to the west.

I am wearing my down filled winter coat from Gloria, hood up, stocking cap atop my head, and a pair of warm gloves.  I do think it will freeze tonight, but the world will carry on anyway.  Grandpa Adam often said to wait until after Memorial Day to set your garden plants out.  Even if the earth is warmer nowadays, Grandpa is still right on.

I keep my ears open for the owls and my eyes open for the wolves that have been wandering around here lately.  The cold doesn't bother me; I like the way it makes me feel.  For me this cold spell slows time.  It slows down spring, the ticking of the clock, and the arrival of summer.  Summer can wait; I'm in no hurry for what summer brings.  Today is a perfect gift in itself, freezing cold with a little snow, it's all good and teaches us patience and appreciation for the moment right now, just as it is.  Colder temperatures are easier to take when the outdoor world is green again!

Next month, next year, five years from now... don't talk to me about the future.  I'd rather talk about today because it's grand just the way it is right now. As I close my journal and head back to our warm cabin,  I watch the daylight fade and the woods grow dark.  A woodcock peeps toward Tom's Creek.  He likes this cool weather too!


  1. Good Morning Kay, What you experienced last night was short of being "awesome" The beautiful words just rolled off your pen. I could have read on and on. Thanks for sharing such wisdom with us folks, who sometimes can't see, what is right in front of us all along. Have a super "good" day. sent with lots of "hugs" Shirl

    1. Thanks Shirl, hugs to you as well, and thanks for being a faithful follower of my posts!

  2. Lovely Kay, and the pictures are awesome! Yes, the freeze came and the frost, but we see the survivors, the few flowers on the apple trees, that were a little slower in coming out, saved by that and now we hope will produce a few apples! How sweet they will be, like you....r
