Sumac Over the Pond

Sumac Over the Pond

March 20, 2016


Yesterday was a post chemotherapy drag day for sure for me.... no taste, fatigue, strange yucky feelings and frustrations... but this morning when I woke up I thought of Grandpa Adam and him telling kids at early hours of the morning, very early hours of the morning, mind you, that they should, "Wake up and here the birds!"

Although it wasn't that early, when I woke up at 7, I did force myself to get right up... just incase.    And it wasn't long until I saw a huge group of turkeys out the kitchen window.  They kept coming, about thirty or more of them, toms and hens both.  Occasionally a tom would begin to strutt and fan out his tail feathers for all to see.  Toms and younger males called jakes, have beards that hang down from their necks.  I saw many turkeys in the group with beards. 

I could hear the Canadian geese honking around out on our pond from inside the cabin as well as a few turkey gobbles.  There are about nine geese out here lately of various sizes.  (Note the geese in the photo above.) 

The geese are often splashing around and darting at each other, trying to stake out their territory I'm guessing.  My hubby said he noticed a pair starting to build a nest the other day.  Our pond will soon be ice free and sporting some goslings.

Yesterday we even heard a couple frogs singing.

I figured nobody would mind, and it might be good therapy today to write a blog post while I'm appreciating nature, through my kitchen window.

I hope you can find something cool to appreciate today in nature as well...  Nature is a great healing tool.


  1. Love, it, yes up early to heard the birds! Pics are great. Wow, so many turkeys, cool to see the pic of the one puffed out displaying! I guess if I was a female turkey I would be impressed! Love the boots in the water!r

  2. Wow frogs already that has to be a first. Love your memories of Grandpa Adam , he was a wise man, and so good to us kids.

  3. Good Morning Kay, Your blog is beautiful as usual. I enjoy it so much. Glad it is great therapy for you. I suppose there are days you really don't feel like getting out of bed but you rise and shine, to face the morning. You smile, when you see what is out your kitchen window. You know it is going to be a good day. Have a good week. {{{hugs}}} Shirl

  4. Great pictures and so good to hear your comments.tom told me once you were one special lady.I do believe him!! Keep up the good work and hope you get to feeling better!
